Goodbye NullReferenceExceptions
Für Abstürze von .NET Programmen sind oft NullReferenceExceptions verantwortlich. Dies ist sogar vielfach die häufigste Ursache. READ MORE
Für Abstürze von .NET Programmen sind oft NullReferenceExceptions verantwortlich. Dies ist sogar vielfach die häufigste Ursache. READ MORE
After all those years, it’s almost disconcerting to see that – at least in the embedded software development domain – there is software written without unit tests. This technical depth needs to be refurbished in the aftermath with a much higher price. I don’t have to fool myself, I did it myself. But why don’t we see the benefits of a little bit of more effort in the beginning, which could save us hours of debugging in the future? I think it’s in the mind of everyone to make results as soon as possible.
With this blog post I would like to point out the major problems and give some inputs on how to make unit testing part of our daily business as software developers. READ MORE